Research and Funding

Research and Funding
The Atanasoff-Berry (ABC) Computer

Current Projects and Funding

  • NSF CBET-2343595, Collaborative Research: EAGER: CET: Exploring The Risks and Rewards of Large Language Models in Enabling Energy-Efficient Data Center Software Infrastructure (PI), $147,947, 2024-2026
  • Schreiber Venture Fund Innovation Grant (Loyola University Chicago), Culturally Responsive Intervention Incorporating AI to Promote Healthy Integration Among Afghan Evacuees in Illinois and Tennessee (co-PI with Abha Rai in the School of Social Work at Loyola University Chicago), $47,763, 2024-2025. [link to appear soon]
  • NSF OAC-2104319Cyber Infrastructure to Enable Computer Vision Applications at the Edge Using Automated Contextual Analysis (PI), 2021-2024
  • NSF OAC-2107020Advancing Low-Power Computer Vision at the Edge (PI), 2021-2024
  • NSF HRD-2121654, ADVANCE Adaptation: INSPIRED-Inclusive Practices in the Retention and Equity of Diverse Faculty (Senior Personnel), $972,496, 2021-2024

Funding History

  • NCAE-C H98230-22-1-0306, Taming Container Privileges using Userland OS Guests, $500,000 (co-PI)
  • UnoAPI: Curricular modules for high-performance computing using data-parallel C++ with Intel’s OneAPI (PI)
  • NSF DMS-1812124, Co-PI, Collaborative Research: Statistical Analysis of Partially Observed Shapes in Two Dimensions, $75,028, 2018-2019
  • NSF CNS-1738691, Co-PI, Collaborative Research: Chicago Alliance for Equity in Computer Science, $72,497, 2017-2021
  • NSF OAC-2027524, Senior Personnel, Leveraging New Data Sources to Analyze the Risk of COVID-19 in Crowded Locations, $58,000.
  • NSF OAC-1445347, PI, EAGER: Collaborative Research: Making Software Engineering Work for Computational Science and Engineering: An Integrated Approach, $109,598, 2014-2018
  • NSF CCF-0444197, PI, Collaborative Proposal: Ultra-Scalable System Software and Tools for Data-Intensive Computing, $72,433, 2004-2007
  • NSF CNS-0205652, PI, ITR: The Community Information Technology Entrepreneurship Project, $1,034,500, 2002-2006
  • NSF CNS-1042337, PI, Collaborative Research: BPC-LSA: ACM SIGBP: Forming an ACM Special Interest Group to Scale the Impact of BPC Activities, $38,782, 2010-2014
  • NEH HD-50782-09, co-PI, Humanities Research Infrastructure and Tools (HRIT): An Environment for Collaborative Textual Scholarship, $50,000, 2009-2010
  • NSF CNS-0837769, Co-PI, Improving Metropolitan Participation to Accelerate Computing Throughput and Success (IMPACTS), $141,711, 2008-2009
  • NSF DBI-0552888, Co-PI, REU Site: Integrated Cross-Disciplinary Summer Program in Bioinformatics, $292,412, 2006-2010
  • NSF OAC-0228926, Co-PI, HPNC: HPNC for Science Research at Loyola University Chicago, $150,000, 2002-2005
  • DARPA SBIR Phase I, PI, Ad Hoc Human Interaction Networks for Asymmetric Threat Surveillance, $100,000, 2002
  • DARPA SBIR Phase I, Co-PI, Cluster Based Repositories and Analysis, $100,000, 2003


  • Intel, PI, Expanding OS + DS lectures to include oneAPI/DPC++, $$40,000, 2022
  • Google, PI, TensorFlow Models Garden Software Engineering, $30,000, 2021
  • Facebook, PI, Low-Power Computer Vision Competition, $30,000, 2021
  • Google, Co-PI, Google Research Awards: Machine Perception, $75,000, 2017
  • 4C Insights, PI, Unrestricted gift to supportt systems research at Loyola, $10,000, 2017
  • Typesafe, Co-PI, Unrestricted gift to support languages/systems research at Loyola, $5,000, 2015
  • Microsoft, PI, Unrestricted gift to support HPC and Bioinformatics Research, $15,000, 2009
  • Microsoft, PI, In-kind equipment donation of computational cluster (80 nodes), $100,000, 2009
  • HP, Co-PI, Learning the Wonders of Computing with Wireless Collaboration, $68,000, 2007
  • Hostway Corporation, PI, Unrestricted gift to support creation of open source laboratory, $30,000, 2007}